Sunday, December 21, 2008

So very grateful...

It's that time of year to be thankful for all that has been given to me and to all of us. This Christmas has been a "different" year. I have not been working since Thanksgiving which has been AWESOME! And most of my Christmas shopping was done months ago. I decided this year to pick a name of an Angel Tree and purchase a needy child a gift. I bought him a pair of $50 van shoes. His name is Alex and he is 10 years old. It is great doing something like that. Next year I am planning on doing more for some needy kids. It brings me great joy! I also LOVE giving gifts, and have bought all of those near and dear to me gifts. I have given most out, but still have the ones for my family left. :). I have been overwhelmed by my friends generosity this Christmas. I love each and everyone one of my friends. I could not ask for better friends. I have a great family whom I love! My 2 siblings and I ocassionally have falling outs mainly because of our age differences but I still love them. I hope that all of you have a VERY MERRY Christmas and a joyous and wonderful New Year...


Neal Davis Family Blog said...

You deserve great friends because you are a wonderful friend! You do so much for me!

Kari said...

Ahh..thanks Jessica! :). You are one of those great friends :). I hope you had a happy birthday and a great Christmas! :). We need to get together again soon!

Auntie Lolo said...

I am really impressed with you!! That is so great that you did that!!